Two $500 annual awards will be given to Native American students, undergraduate, M.A., or Ph.D., to help lessen the burden of costs to attend the annual Western History Association. In addition, the cost of conference registration and tickets to the WHA Welcoming Reception, Graduate Student Reception, Presidential Lunch, and Indian Scholars Luncheon will be included in the award.
To be considered for this award, send one pdf file with the following to each member of the committee listed below: 1) a letter of interest, and 2) CV. Please also request that your faculty advisor send a letter of recommendation to each member of the committee. Please use your last name in the title of your pdf file.
-2025 Awards Cycle opens January 15, 2025
-2025 Award Submission Deadline: June 15, 2025
The WHA office sends notifications to selected award recipients at the end of August.
Kevin Whalen, Chair
University of Minnesota, Morris