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Montana The Magazine of Western History Emerging 2024 Scholars Contest

Tuesday, November 07, 2023 9:03 AM | Anonymous member

Montana The Magazine of Western History announces its 2024 Emerging Scholar Contest.

Now in its fifth year, the emerging scholar contest was established to encourage graduate students, early career faculty, and previously unpublished independent historians to publish their work in a peer reviewed journal. Submissions can cover any topic relevant to the history of the American West and should be grounded in primary and secondary source research. Judges, who are members of the magazine’s editorial board, will assess the submissions based on the evidence of research, originality of argument, and quality of writing.


Upon selection, the winning article will go through the peer review process and be published in the magazine. The winner also receives $1000 and an opportunity to travel to the Montana History Conference to give a presentation on their topic.


Deadline is January 8, 2024.


Submission Guidelines at:


Previous winners include:

Alex Miller, “Building an Avalanche Community in the Mountain West: From Studies to Public Awareness, 1945-1985”

Gregory B. LeDonne, “Rebranding Neoliberalism: Idaho’s Owyhee Ranchers Confront Rangeland Reform”

Kerri Clement, “What is a country without horses? Robert Yellowtail and Horse Herd Restoration on the Crow Reservation, 1934-1944”

Western History Association

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