Pedagogy in an Age of Uncertainty: AI, Inclusive Teaching, and the Politics of Knowledge
Proposal Due: May 23, 2025
Conference Date: August 18 - 21, 2025
Location: Virtual on Whova
H-Net is pleased to announce that “Pedagogy in an Age of Uncertainty: AI, Inclusive Teaching, and the Politics of Knowledge” will be our theme for the fourth annual Teaching Conference. This year’s theme invites presenters to explore the challenges of teaching and learning amid rapidly evolving technologies, the complexities of knowledge production in an era of misinformation and censorship, and ongoing debates over diversity and inclusion at all levels of education.
We welcome individual, panel, and roundtable proposals, and encourage interactive sessions such as digital posters, assignment charrettes, and other innovative formats that foster engagement and discussion.
This year, our keynote speaker will be Robert Cassanello, Associate Professor of History at the University of Central Florida.
The conference will be held in a virtual format during the week of Monday, August 18th, 2025. Presenters will have the opportunity to be recorded for future reference via the H-Net Commons. Selected presenters will also be invited to publish their work in the H-Net Conference Proceedings publication.
All proposals should include a title, CVs and email addresses for all presenters, and an abstract of no more than 200 words. No pre-recorded sessions will be accepted. Submissions are encouraged to focus on any of the following issues:
1. Innovative pedagogical approaches to fostering critical thinking, media literacy, and inclusive and equitable learning environments in today’s polarized political landscape.
2. Challenges and strategies related to the use of digital resources and artificial intelligence.
3. Public-facing educational programs and resources (H-Net, National History Day, literacy initiatives, etc.) that strengthen civic engagement, historical literacy, and interdisciplinary collaboration and can enrich existing humanities efforts on the local, state, and national levels.
4. Difficulties relating to government mandates at all educational levels.
Email submissions to by Friday, May 23, 2025.
As H-Net is a proponent of open source access, the conference will be free and open to all.
Western History Association
University of Kansas | History Department
1445 Jayhawk Blvd. | 3650 Wescoe Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045 | 785-864-0860