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Tenure track position open at Diablo Valley College

Tuesday, January 03, 2017 1:27 PM | Anonymous

Diablo Valley College is seeking a full-time tenure track instructor in History to begin August 2017. The successful applicant will be well qualified to teach to all Latin American history courses in addition to any or all of the following courses listed in the DVC catalogue: Hist 135 and 136 (Latin America and perspectives in US); Hist 125 (Mexico and perspectives in US); Hist 124 (California); and Hist 126 (US West).
 For more information please visit

Western History Association

University of Kansas | History Department

1445 Jayhawk Blvd. | 3650 Wescoe Hall

Lawrence, KS 66045 | 785-864-0860 

The WHA is located in the Department of History at the University of Kansas. The WHA is grateful to KU's History Department and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for their generous support!