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The WHA Office often receives notifications about awards, scholarships, fellowships, and events that might be of interest to our members. We are also happy to share the news and accomplishments of individual members and programs.

When our staff receives requests to post news and announcements, you will find them here and on our social media platforms. Please email us if you wish to be included in our news and announcements feed! 

  • Friday, January 27, 2023 1:15 PM | Anonymous member

    Associate Editor/Production Coordinator

    South Dakota Historical Society Press

    Applications accepted through Feb. 7, 2023

    The South Dakota Historical Society Press, an award-winning publisher located in the heart of the Northern Great Plains, seeks an Associate Editor/Production Coordinator. This position will work closely with our books and quarterly journal. Editing duties include copyediting, proofreading, locating images and writing captions for them, and readying manuscripts for design. Production duties include working with our network of designers, typesetters, indexers, and illustrators to keep publishing projects on schedule, transmitting final proofs to printers, and securing copyright permissions. The Associate Editor/Production Coordinator works with our small editorial team, led by the Director of the South Dakota Historical Society Press and Research and Publishing program of the South Dakota State Historical Society.

    Experience with project management, editing, and strong communication skills are desired. Capacity to work independently, excellent time management skills, and an eye for detail are a must.

    Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree in history, English, or a related field (advanced degree preferred). They must also have a background in writing, editing, or publishing and be familiar with the Chicago Manual of Style. Knowledge of U.S. history, especially of the American West and the Northern Great Plains, is preferred. Experience using Adobe Photoshop and understanding of basic design principles would also be beneficial.

    This position is not open to remote work. Candidates upon receipt of offer will be expected to move to the Pierre area; relocation expenses will be reimbursed. Limited travel may be required. This is a full-time position with salary in the $19-$22 per hour range (commensurate with experience) and State of South Dakota employee benefits.

    To apply, please follow this link:

    We ask for a cover letter and resume or curriculum vitae, with contact information for three references. For more information about who we are, visit

  • Thursday, January 26, 2023 11:07 AM | Anonymous member





    The History Department at The University of South Dakota invites you to the Fifty-Eighth Northern Great Plains History Conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, from September 27-30, 2023. The conference will take place downtown in the City Centre Holiday Inn on Eighth Street.

    Proposals for individual papers and complete sessions in all fields of history – around the globe and across time – are welcome! To honor and commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of Wounded Knee 1973, the Conference Program Committee encourages proposals and panels on the modern Indigenous rights movement and the history of Native sovereignty.

    Please send proposals to Molly Rozum at by Monday, 24 April 2023.

    Individual paper proposals should include a one-paragraph abstract and a one-page curriculum vitae. Session proposals should include a one-paragraph session abstract and a short abstract and one-page curriculum vitae for each presenter in the session. Proposals for roundtables should include a session abstract and a one-page c.v. for each participant. Please indicate any audio-visual requirements.  Anyone willing to chair sessions or serve as commentator, or who has questions should send an email to  

    The Northern Great Plains History Conference welcomes graduate and undergraduate student participants. Prizes will be awarded to the best graduate and the best undergraduate paper.

    Updated information about the conference will be available on the NGPHC


  • Friday, January 20, 2023 10:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Research Travel Grants Offered by the American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

    The American Heritage Center (AHC) at the University of Wyoming offers annual travel grants of up to $750 each to provide support for travel, food and lodging to carry out research using AHC collections. Application due date is March 31, 2023.

    Subject areas in the Center’s collections include Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain West and a select number of national topics: environment and conservation, mining and petroleum industries, air and rail transportation, popular entertainment (particularly radio, television, film, and popular music), journalism, and U.S. military history.

    The AHC’s Toppan Rare Book Library consists of more than 50,000 items, majority of which are printed books, although there are newspapers, magazines, broadsides, illuminated manuscripts, and other materials. Collecting subjects include the American West, British and American Literature, exploration and travel, religion, hunting and fishing, historic children's books, and examples of the book arts.

    Funds must be spent within fifteen months following notification of the award.

    Persons interested in AHC travel grants should complete an application at and email it to AHC Simpson Archivist Leslie Waggener at Applications are due no later than March 31, 2023.

    Information about the AHC

    The AHC is a public research institution located on the campus of the University of Wyoming in Laramie. The Center houses collections of local, regional, and national significance. Its holdings emphasize the American West from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries. It has extensive collections in western political history, mining and petroleum, popular entertainment (including Hollywood and comics), environment and natural resources, journalism, and military history. The AHC also serves as the University of Wyoming's rare books library and university archives. With more than 90,000 cubic feet of materials and 3,500 collections, the AHC stands among the largest non-governmental repositories in the nation.

  • Friday, January 20, 2023 10:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Research Fellowships at the American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

    The American Heritage Center (AHC) at the University of Wyoming invites applications forfellowships on topics related to the American West, western politics, women in public life, and economic geology. Applications are due March 31, 2023. For descriptions of the fellowships, please see 

    Each fellowship aims to support a 20-day research stay at the AHC. The fellowship includes a $3,000 stipend which is paid at the end of the Fellow's stay and the receipt of a precis outlining sources consulted, how those sources shaped the research findings, and how the Fellow will incorporate this information into a final product.

    The annual competition is designed to encourage academic scholars to disseminate their findings from the AHC's abundant collections that relate to the fellowship's theme. Academic scholars at any level, from graduate students to tenured faculty, may apply.  Members of under-represented communities and multi-discipinary scholars are encouraged to apply.

    Applications should include:

     Curriculum Vitae, including contact information, education, publications, scholarly activities, teaching experience, and any other relevant work experience.

     Research proposal of no more than two single-spaced pages that includes a brief statement of purpose for the project, specific reference to how the AHC's collections will significantly contribute to the project's success, and a timeline outlining the plan of research and dates for anticipated products.

     Names and contact information of three references.

    Proposals will be awarded based on the following criteria:

     Extent to which the proposed project draws upon the collections of the AHC.

     Research project's potential contribution to the understanding of the fellowship's theme.

     Potential for professional presentation and/or publication upon completion of the Fellow's research.

     Applicant's ability to complete the research project in a timely fashion.

    A selection committee composed of AHC staff and University of Wyoming faculty choose each year's fellows. Recipients are informed by email.

    Please email all application materials in pdf form by March 31, 2023, to AHC Simpson Archivist Leslie Waggener at

    Information about the American Heritage Center:

    The AHC is a public research institution located on the campus of the University of Wyoming in Laramie. The Center houses collections of local, regional, and national significance. Its holdings emphasize the American West from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries. It has extensive collections in western political history, mining and petroleum, popular entertainment (including Hollywood and comics), environment and natural resources, journalism, and military history. The AHC also serves as the University of Wyoming's rare books library and university archives. With more than 90,000 cubic feet of materials and 3,500 collections, the AHC stands among the largest non-governmental repositories in the nation.

    To learn more about the AHC, please see For more information about the fellowships, see or contact Leslie Waggener at

  • Wednesday, January 18, 2023 2:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Need financial aid to help complete your history project? The Wyoming Historical Society, a non-profit membership driven educational organization, offers cash grants to people involved in research activities based on various aspects of the state’s history. The grants, ranging from $100.00 up to $1500.00 are awarded based on applications submitted to the Society’s Lola Homsher Endowment Fund Committee. The deadline is February 28, 2023, with applicants notified of the results in the spring. All applications must be submitted electronically via the Society’s website at

    WHS President Cindy Brown says that work done by amateur and professional historians through these grants supports the Society’s mission to make Wyoming’s past accessible to present and future generations. Brown said, “Providing funds for researcher travel and for research-related costs such as scanning can make all the difference in completing a project. Creating opportunities for original research is a mainstay of the Homsher Grant program.”

    Grant monies are drawn from a fund established by the late Lola Homsher, a noted historian and state archivist. One of Homsher’ s most significant contributions to preserve Wyoming history came when she spearheaded creating the Wyoming Historical Society in 1953. After her retirement, Homsher made a major donation to the Society that has been used as an endowment to help fund Society programs.

    The committee reviews all proposals and makes awards after the selection process has been completed, usually in spring. Preference is given to proposals that promise original research on topics related to Wyoming history. Wyoming residents are also given preference, but all applications are welcome. Proposals must include a statement of purpose, an explanation of the project, the value to Wyoming history and a description of how the public will benefit from the research.

    Brown says it is always exciting to see the creative avenues being explored in Wyoming history. Last year’s recipients used funds to enhance their research on topics ranging from an Arapaho Episcopal priest and long-term resident of the Wind River Reservation to the use of bears in advertising Yellowstone National Park, and the Civil War Cavalry in pre-Territorial Wyoming, plus research about the murals painted by Italian Prisoners of War at Camp Douglas. “Applications that touch upon all aspects of Wyoming history are welcome,” Brown says.

    Applications and rules can be obtained by visiting the Society’s website at and selecting “Programs” and then “Lola Homsher Research Grant Program.”  If you do not have access to the web, please contact the Wyoming Historical Society at 307-322-3014 or to receive a copy of the application. Electronic proposals are due February 28, 2023. All recipients must provide the Society with an interim report and a final report about their projects.

  • Monday, December 05, 2022 7:00 AM | Anonymous member

    World History Connected, an affiliate of the World History Association, is seeking contributions to the Summer 2023 issue's Forum devoted to "The American West in World History." Contributions may include archival research, field work, and the scholarship of teaching.

    The submission deadline is March 19, 2023.

    For more information about the Forum and its CFP, including submission details, please consult the full Call for Papers here:

  • Friday, December 02, 2022 7:30 AM | Anonymous member

    Texas Public Radio aired the WHA panel, "The Politics of Exclusion and the Protocols of Resistance: Understanding the Political Landscape of 21st- Century Texas," on Friday, November 18.

    The panel, which originally took place on Saturday, October 15 at 10:15am, went by the same name, and included Jeff Blodgett (President, American Association of University Professors-Texas), Jessica Luther (Freelance Journalist and University of Texas at Austin), Aimee Villareal (Texas State University), and local elected officials, with Norma Martinez (Texas Public Radio) and Tyina Steptoe (University of Arizona) serving as co-chairs.

    Norma Martinez, the host of "Fronteras" and Marian Navarro, the producer, edited the panel into a 30-minute episode. 

    The panel's airing is available as a podcast episode here:

  • Thursday, December 01, 2022 11:00 AM | Anonymous member

    The National Park Service is seeking a qualified historian to serve as the Intermountain Regional National Historic Landmark Program Coordinator. This position would be duty stationed in Lakewood, Colorado and serve the eight states of the Intermountain West (AZ, CO, MT, NM, OK, TX, UT, WY). 

    The Department of the Interior is accepting the first 75 applicants or until 12/07/2022, whichever comes first. 

    For more information on the position and how to apply, please visit the original job posting here:

  • Monday, November 28, 2022 8:05 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Department of History at the University of Nebraska at Omaha invites applications for a tenure-track position in Latin American History. Geographic area and chronological period are open. Appointment will be at the assistant professor rank, to begin August 14, 2023. The successful candidate will teach a 3/3 load (nine hours a semester). Candidates should be able to teach surveys of World Civilizations, Latin American History, one of the department’s methodology courses, and upper-level courses in their area of specialization (at both the undergraduate and graduate level) . The successful candidate is expected to maintain a program of research and publication, to participate in History Department Programs, and to develop and participate in UNO activities associated with the Office of Latino and Latin American Studies (OLLAS).

    To apply, please submit the following application materials:

    · Cover letter

    · C.V.

    · Diversity, equity, & inclusion statement, including how this would influence the candidate’s approach to teaching the diverse student body at UNO.

    · Names and contact information of three references (references will only be contacted for finalists)

    · Teaching statement which should include the candidate’s approach to different teaching modes: in person, online, and hybrid.

    Candidates who advance beyond the first round will be asked for letters of reference, sample syllabi, and a writing sample.

    Applications must be submitted directly through the UNO website to be considered for this position. Any applications submitted via email or any other website will not be reviewed or considered.

    Review of applications will commence on 12/5/22. The position will remain open until filled.

    Inquiries can be directed to: Dr. Danielle Battisti, Department Chair, Department of History,

    To apply:

  • Friday, November 18, 2022 9:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The History Department at the University of Utah is pleased to announce that it will offer three fully funded Master’s Degrees (two years of tuition and teaching assistantship stipend) in the history of the US West, Environmental History and the History of Indigeneity (the last two are open region) beginning Fall Semester 2023. Applications for the graduate program close December 1, 2022.

    Please direct any questions to our Academic Advisor, Amarilys Scott, or our Director of Graduate Studies, Elizabeth Clement

Western History Association

University of Kansas | History Department

1445 Jayhawk Blvd. | 3650 Wescoe Hall

Lawrence, KS 66045 | 785-864-0860