WHA COUNCIL POSITION A On your ballot you will vote for one person to fill each position. |
![]() I am honored to be considered for a position on the WHA Council. Since my first time attending the WHA in Denver 2012, I knew I had found an intellectually stimulating and welcoming home conference. At the time, I was a high school History teacher and I wondered how I would be received at an academically-oriented conference. The warmth, collegiality, and interest from WHA members signaled that this was an accepting place. I hope to continue this welcoming, supportive environment if selected for the Council position. Currently, I train K-12 teachers through the University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education. I work to expand opportunities for teachers to experience the WHA and to become contributing members through lesson plan development, partnership with scholars of Western History, and creative collaborations to extend new scholarship into classrooms across the region. The initiatives of the Committee on Teaching and Public Education have increased the role of K-12 educators in our organization, a trend I am proud to have been part of implementing and hope to continue. My scholarly focus is on the history of Chinese communities in the American West, specifically my home state of Montana. I have worked to increase representation of Asian and Asian American history at the WHA by organizing and participating in numerous panels on this theme. My book The Middle Kingdom under the Big Sky: A History of the Chinese Experience in Montana (University of Nebraska Press, 2022) highlights the experiences of Chinese Montanans in their own words, possible through a transnational, intergenerational translation project that gives access to several large collections of documents translated into English for the first time. The book grew over years of presentations and feedback at WHA conferences and encouragement from scholars in the organization. In giving back to the WHA, I have served on the Membership and Strategic Planning Committees, chaired the recently-created Disability Studies and Disabled Scholar Award, and have been a member of, co-chair, or chair of the Committee on Teaching and Public Education for the past decade. Most recently, I served on the WHA Program Committee for the 2024 annual conference. If selected for the Council, I hope to continue partnerships with K-12 educators and public history institutions, to continue to diversify offerings at the annual conference, and to follow in the footsteps of the strong leadership that has made the WHA such a welcoming and intellectually stimulating academic home for us all. | ![]() ![]() I am an assistant professor of History and Latino/a Studies at Penn State University. In the broadest terms, my scholarship examines how the environment mediates human relationships as we fight over resources, often dictating how social hierarchies change over time. If elected to council, I am most interested in continuing the work of those who came before me to make this organization as welcoming and inclusive as possible. The WHA has been my academic home for more than a decade. Since joining this vibrant community, I have served in various capacities. As a member, I have been on several scholarly panels as well as those that have addressed the issues of the day, such as sexual misconduct, race and racism, and other important topics that we must tackle both in the WHA as well as the larger profession. I have also organized non-traditional panels that interweave community and family with the academy—like those at our most recent San Antonio meetings which offered the hands-on experience of cooking tamales and making tortillas. As a member of the nominating committee, I worked with my colleagues to bring strong candidates to our slate for election—which is always easy to do in this organization. As longtime member and Chair of the Committee on Race and the American West (CRAW), I have been involved in some more grassroots efforts to diversify the WHA. These include, but are not limited to, making space where folks can come together to work through some difficult conversations and creating the CRAW/CWWH reception where people can meet and spend time together more informally. Should I be fortunate enough to serve on council, I would utilize my accrued institutional knowledge from serving the WHA in these capacities to make the best decisions possible for the future of our organization. |
WHA COUNCIL POSITION B On your ballot you will vote for one person to fill each position. |
I attended my first WHA conference in 1990 and have since considered it my home organization. Over that span, I’ve seen it grow ever more welcoming to a wider variety of people. It must continue to be so, which is why I am running for council. My teaching and research have benefited from and reflected the transformation of the WHA. As a professor of history at Colorado State University, I have taught seven different courses related to the US West. I also teach the history of Mexico. I center DEI concerns, especially in courses on the history of justice, historical trauma, and race and recreation in the national parks. Inspired by one of my graduate students, I now include disability history in all my courses. My research has explored Los Angeles flood ecology, masculinity and nationalism in the early republic West, national parks in global perspective, and, in my most recent book, the deep history shaping current relations between indigenous people and a borderlands national monument. Increasingly my deepest commitments are to public history, deploying it to build bridges across polarized communities and amplifying the voices of people whose stories are too often under told. As director the CSU’s Public and Environmental History Center and as the State Historian of Colorado, I have pursued this agenda with colleagues, students, public servants, indigenous people, non-profit leaders, K-12 educators, and citizen historians. I learned to do these things through my participation in the WHA and want to give it back by joining the council. Serving you on the council would continue my commitment to the organization. I have served on the WHA program committee, local arrangement committee, and WHQ editorial board. I have sat on and chaired both the Rothman and Malone prize committees. My center is an annual sponsor of the WHA conference. The WHA is a strong and nurturing organization, but not one whose work is finished. My vision as a council member would be to help it maintain financial and administrative stability while ensuring that the benefits I have gained as a member of a diverse, welcoming organization accrue to future generations of all kinds of WHA members. | I am honored to be nominated to serve on the WHA Council. As an Associate Professor of History, Chair of the History Department, and Director of Women’s & Gender Studies at Bradley University. My focus in these roles has been on nurturing critical thinking, fostering interdisciplinary research and writing, promoting community-engaged learning and advocacy, and instilling knowledge of diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices in our undergraduate curricula. My administrative accomplishments include the development and implementation of innovative, interdisciplinary curricula, including the creation of concentrations in Digital Humanities and Public History and Difference, Identity, and Power, as well as leadership on many initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion. My scholarly interests span a range of topics within Western history, focusing predominantly on cities and social movements. I am also committed to interdisciplinary research that allows for more nuanced understanding of the experiences of women, gender-expansive, and LGBTQ people. I am the co-editor of the anthology City Dreams, Country Schemes: Community and Identity in the American West (2011) and the Urban West Series editor for the University of Nevada Press. I recently published, “Give Me a Nation of Great Mothers”: Alice Robertson’s Conservative Maternalism,” in This Land Is Herland: Gendered Activism in Oklahoma from the 1870s to the 2010s, ed. Loughlin & Janda (OU Press), an article that examines the political career and public life of Alice M. Robertson, Oklahoma’s first and the nation’s second Congresswoman. My latest project, Building the Queer Body Politic: The History of the Gay Games & the Making of Transnational Queer Cosmopolitanism, is an interdisciplinary study located at the intersections of LGBTQ and social movements history, transnational urban history, gender, sexuality, and queer studies. In addition to my professorial role at Bradley, I am committed to advancing the scholarship and pedagogy of U.S. History and Gender and Sexuality Studies through community-engaged learning that is accessible to the public. I have actively engaged in fundraising, grant writing, and community outreach to support these goals. I am the founder of two lecture series at Bradley – the “Gender Scholars Lecture Series" and "Activism Plays in Peoria Lecture Series" – and I have collaborated with colleagues to sponsor 150 events that students and the public to explore the intersections of gender, race, class, sexuality, and culture. Using my expertise in intergroup dialogue facilitation, salary negotiation, and LGBTQIA+ inclusion, I lead a team that organizes impactful trainings for students, faculty, and staff. Our WGS faculty team has successfully trained more than 1400 students in salary negotiation skills, and WGS interns who run our LGBTQIA+ inclusion workshops have trained more than 1,000 of their peers. For my dedication to advancing diversity, inclusion, and equity as well as my commitment to interdepartmental collaboration, my college and university have recognized me with several awards including: Excellence in Advancing Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (2023); the Student Engagement Excellence Award (2023); the Notable Publication Award (2019, and Bradley University’s award for Excellence in Interdepartmental Collaboration (2017). I am a 25-year member of the WHA, a founding member of the WHA’s QuIT Caucus, and a member of the Coalition of Western Women’s History. I am proud to have presented on the CARES Committee’s inaugural session on Title IX and gender equality in higher ed. To the WHA Council, I will bring experience as an interdisciplinary scholar, administrator, and advocate for inclusion. I believe that intergroup dialogue facilitation and generative listening techniques are tools that can serve us well as we seek to amplify diverse voices and promote an authentic culture of inclusion and belonging in the WHA. I am also committed to exploring ways in which the WHA might continue to welcome interdisciplinary scholars, public history professionals, and digital humanities practitioners into the organization. Finally, I would like to see the WHA leadership consider how the organization can provide members with advocacy and organizing resources during a time when the humanities are under attack in higher education. My goal will be to serve collaboratively, building on the work of WHA leaders and members to make our organization an incredibly welcoming, vibrant, accessible, and inclusive for scholars of all social identities, so that together we can fulfill our mission of advancing the study and understanding of Western history. |
WHA NOMINATING COMMITTEE POSITION A On your ballot you will vote for one person to fill each position. |
I am deeply honored to stand for a seat on the nominating committee in an organization of which I have been a part for twenty years. The Sara Louise Welch Chair and the L.R. Brammer, Jr. Presidential Professor of History at the University of Oklahoma, I specialize in histories of gender, sexuality, conservative politics, and the American West. I am the author of an award-winning book, Tiny You: A Western History of the Anti-Abortion Movement (2020), which chronicles the intimate and everyday activism of the western social conservatives at the end of the twentieth century. My current book project, titled Straightening Out: A History of Anti-Queer Politics in Rural America, tells the story of the anti-LBGTQ+ movement in the American West. It explains how rural places, not suburban ones, became the bedrocks of social conservatism in America. I have a front-row view of the many crises facing our profession at this moment. Since Roe v. Wade fell in 2022, I have been thrust into public-facing historical work and had to wrestle with what it meant to produce useable pasts for our current, politically-polarized, moment. I work, too, in one of several states attempting to censor scholars and excise histories of race and sexuality in K-12 and college classrooms. As a mentor to many graduate students at OU, I have become increasingly angry at the cratering job market that cannot do right by their excellent work. The WHA has a strong, diverse membership and a tradition of ethical leadership at all levels. I am committed to extending that tradition, promoting leaders who are willing to take up the most serious challenges facing our profession. | I am thrilled to be nominated to serve on the WHA’s Nominating Committee. I have been a member of the WHA since the 2010 conference in Lake Tahoe. Since then, the WHA has become my academic home, and I have become actively involved in the organization. I currently serve in various subcommittees of the Coalition for Western Women’s History and the WHA’s Committee on Assault Response and Educational Strategies (CARES). I am also on the 2025 Local Arrangements Committee for the WHA. My experience growing from a graduate student to an assistant professor while a WHA member has allowed me to gain insights into the WHA’s long-term goals and intellectual commitments from many perspectives. As a member of the Nominating Committee, I would be eager to further the work of the WHA’s council and leadership in promoting a more equitable and inclusive academic space for scholars of diverse backgrounds and career paths. As the Nominating Committee has the formative role of nominating both the President and the President-Elect who steer the future of the Western History Association, in this position, I would push for increasing the participation of scholars of color and ethnic minorities as well as Indigenous people, LGBTQ+ people and people with various disabilities and capabilities. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor of History at the University of New Mexico and I am also the section head for the Department of History’s Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Section. My work in the U.S. West focuses on rethinking the definition of the West in North American History and centers questions of race, gender, and ethnicity in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands from the Spanish Colonial Era through the nineteenth century. My book, Keeping House, will be published by UNC Press and analyzes the transition from Mexican control to U.S. control in Arizona and New Mexico by centering the home and women’s responses within the home to this larger political shift. My most recent publication is “Engendering the Long Nineteenth Century and Mapping Gender on Arizona History” in the Journal of Arizona History. |
WHA NOMINATING COMMITTEE POSITION B On your ballot you will vote for one person to fill each position. |
![]() ![]() James David Nichols is an historian who has published on the topics of race, labor, and the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. His book, The Limits of Liberty: Mobility and the Making of the Eastern U.S.-Mexico Border, was published in 2018 by the University of Nebraska Press. He is currently working on a history of debt peonage in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands called, tentatively, A Fate Worse than Debt. He is an Associate Professor at CUNY, Queensborough Community College where he teaches classes on the Civil War and Reconstruction as well as United States, African American, and Latin American History. | Bernadette Pérez is an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses particularly on the histories of Latino and Indigenous peoples in the North American West. She received her Ph.D. in U.S. History from the University of Minnesota. She holds a B.A. in International Affairs from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and an M.A. in Latin American Studies from UC-Berkeley. Prior to joining Berkeley’s History Department in the fall of 2020, she was the Cotsen Postdoctoral Fellow in Race and Ethnicity Studies at the Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts. Currently, she on sabbatical as the 2023-2024 Dana & David Dornslife Long-Term Fellow at the Huntington Library, where she is completing a book manuscript (her first) on the Colorado beet sugar industry. The book is labor and environmental history of settler agriculture and diverse and sometimes divergent social movements that places Indigenous, Latino, Asian, and Eastern European immigrants at the center of the story. The book is based on her doctoral dissertation, which won the W. Turrentine Jackson Dissertation Prize from the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association and the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Immigration & Ethnic History Society. She has attended the WHA annually since 2013. In 2014, she attended as the recipient of the Sara Jackson Research Award, which supported her archival work in Mexican archives. She served on the 2022 WHA Program Committee and has participated in annual meetings of the Committee on Race in the American West since that time. As a member of the nominating committee, she plans to elevate the participation, scholarship, and leadership of those working within, across, and between issues and histories of race, indigeneity, gender, sexuality, disability, and injustice. |
On your ballot you will vote for one person to fill each position.
I have been attending the Western History Association since 2019. Although I am relatively new to the WHA, I really admire what the organization has done to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for its members. I give a lot of credit to current and past leadership for creating such a space at the WHA and I’d love to keep building upon that work as a member of the Nominating Committee. I am currently an assistant professor of history at Brown University with research and teaching specializations in Latinx and Mexican American history, urban history, labor, immigration, race, ethnicity, and public history. I am incredibly passionate about researching and teaching these topics. My current book project is currently under contract with the University of California Press and it examines the historical development of ethnic Mexican communities in Southern California's Inland Empire with a focus on civil rights, race, culture, and labor. As a public historian, I’ve consulted and advised on various exhibitions, archival projects, and documentary films. I love making our work accessible to wider audiences beyond the academy. Coming from an immigrant working-class family, I’ve learned many valuable lessons on the need for access and opportunity in spaces within higher education. I hope to help the WHA continue to grow into an even more welcoming and nurturing space for our members, especially those who come from immigrant, first-gen, low-income, working-class, queer, and other historically marginalized backgrounds/identities. The Nominating Committee has an important role in identifying WHA leadership and as a potential member I would like to keep making this organization a better place for historians of the American West. | I joined the WHA in 1996 while in graduate school, after attending the annual conference in Lincoln and have maintained continuous membership these almost 30 years. I started my career at Doane University, a small liberal arts college founded in 1872 in Crete, Nebraska. Currently, I am the Ronald R. Nelson Chair of Great Plains and South Dakota History and Associate Professor at University of South Dakota in Vermillion, where I also serve as director of the university’s century-old history M.A. program and its Graduate Certificate in Museum and Archive Studies. I hold a B.A. in American Studies from University of Notre Dame, and M.A. in American Folklore and Ph.D. in U.S. History from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I grew up in Mitchell, South Dakota. I teach courses on the American West, Great Plains, Modern Women’s Movements, and 1960s-1970s America. In 2021, I authored Grasslands Grown: Creating Place on the U.S. Northern Plains and Canadian Prairies, which argued sense of place and regional identity are manifestations of settler colonialism down the generations, at once settler society expressions of identity and new cultural appropriations of land. In 2019, I co-edited (with Lori Ann Lahlum) Equality at the Ballot: Votes for Women on the Northern Great Plains, which includes my article, “Citizenship, ‘Civilization,’ and Property: The 1890 South Dakota Vote on Woman Suffrage and ‘Indian’ Suffrage.” Previously, I served a term on WHA’s Trennert-Iverson Conference Scholarship Award Committee. I currently chair the Strategic Planning and Fundraising Committee of the Coalition for Western Women’s History and led the CWWH’s successful “35for35” Campaign to raise $35,000 to honor the first 35 years of the Coalition and ensure its future programming. Also, I am currently chair of the Northern Great Plains History Conference Council and a member of the Vernon Carstensen Memorial Award for Best Article in Agricultural History and the Albert B. Corey Prize for Best Book on Canadian-American Relations or on the History of Both Countries, a joint prize of the American Historical Association and Canadian Historical Association. In service to the mission of the Nominating Committee, I would use my work at both public and private institutions to consider the diverse professional experiences of those seeking to serve the WHA. I believe the WHA would benefit in its continuing efforts to make equity central to its organizational structures—across positionality in gender, race, sexuality, class, and location—by looking deeply into the membership for representation that has the potential to bring fresh ideas. |